In today’s tight economy, unexpected expenses can blindside you and leave you empty handed between paychecks. Using your wearable gold for a quick and easy loan means you can fill up your gas tank to get to work, have extra money on your vacation and keep things running smoothly so you can get on with your life.
Savvy pawnshop customers use their decorative gold bobbles to secure a 30-day loan. They walk away with a wad of cash but retain ownership of their bling with the plan to return soon and pay off the loan so they can get their jewelry back and enjoy wearing it again until the next time they need cash fast.
$2,000 per ounce
During the Gold Rush of 2008, when gold prices rose to over $2,000 per ounce, there were gold buyers popping up on every corner offering to buy gold at top dollar. Many people sold their gold jewelry, coins and broken chains and walked away with a wad of cash. But they were left with no beautiful jewelry to wear and pass down to their loved ones. And many discovered they could not replace it at today’s prices.
Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever!
Sure you can sell the gold, but once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. So make sure you are fully prepared to never see that ring, necklace or gold watch again. Smart investors buy up gold jewelry at the best prices (like bargains at pawnshops) and enjoy wearing it until the unexpected happens. Using your gold for a pawn loan at a trusted pawnshop like Albert’s Pawn means you still get to keep your jewelry as long as you keep the loan current.
So next time you need cash fast, look at your gold jewelry hard and long and decide, do I want to part with this forever or use it to tide me over and still have ownership? That’ss the biggest difference between selling and pawning your gold.
Stop by one of Albert’s four locations to talk to one of our experienced staff about your gold and how you can make the most of it.
Albert’s has been family owned and operated since 1927. No matter what part of the Tri-Cities you’re in we have a location to serve you. With two locations in Johnson City (Albert’s Loan Office and Uncle Sam’s Pawn Liquidation), Albert’s Loan Office in Bristol and our newest store, Albert’s Pawn in Kingsport; getting top dollar for your items for pawn loans and finding that item you’ve been looking for at an unbeatable price has never been easier!